Oculus Rift – Virtual Reality Headset

(7 customer reviews)


  • Oculus Rift’s advanced display technology combined with its precise, low-latency constellation tracking system enables the sensation of presence
  • Customizable, comfortable, adaptable, and beautiful, Rift is technology and design as remarkable as the experiences it enables
  • Every aspect of Rift was designed to be easy, inviting, and comfortable to use – and that extends to the VR environment we’ve created as a starting point for your journeys
  • Discover and download games across genres ranging from action RPGs, sci-fi shooters, mind-bending puzzle games, and more – and play them from an entirely new perspective Lucky’s Tale is included with every Rift purchase
  • Windows PC and an internet connection are required for Oculus Rift – please review recommended system specs
  • Requirement: Updated version of USB 30
  • Oculus Rift requires your Facebook account to log in, making it easy to meet up with friends in VR and discover communities around the world.

Additional information

Release date

March 28, 2016

Product Dimensions

15.43 x 6.54 x 12.13 inches, 8.8 Pounds

Type of item

Video Game



Item model number


Is Discontinued By Manufacturer


Item Weight

8.8 pounds




1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included)

Date First Available

March 30, 2015

7 reviews for Oculus Rift – Virtual Reality Headset

  1. Cliente de Amazon

    Yo he sido un crítico toda mi vida, critico de comida, bebida, tecnología, ideologías, pensamientos, etc., etc., Y hoy me toca criticar a Amazon y del Oculus Rift(OR). Desde la primera presentación de OR y VIVE se prometía una completa inmersión en la realidad virtual y por lo tanto tenía expectativas muy altas para estos VR’s. La tecnología que usa occulus es increíble, la eficiencia va muy de la mano con el equipo de computo que se tenga en la mano, entre mejor sea la combinación de procesador y tarjeta de vídeo, mejor será la experiencia de Realidad Virtual(RV).

    A mi me fascina el universo, las estrellas, viajes espaciales, todo lo que tenga que ver con el espacio exterior, debo admitir que al ver escenas del espacio exterior en el OR… lloré. Sentir que viajas entre planetas o sistemas solares y volar cerca de un sol, fue un sueño hecho realidad(ser astronauta).

    Solo encontré un detalle técnico, si se tiene problemas de visión ocular, oculus no tiene como enfocar o permitir el uso de lentes. En cuanto a Amazon, un excelente servicio de envío, la caja llego dañada pero gracias a que le pusieron bolsas de aire la caja original del OR dentro de ella se mantuvo intacta.

    Altamente recomendable adquirir el OR con Amazon, además de ser la opción más económica para su adquisición desde México.

  2. James

    Quality of this device is good, but there are few moments that forced me to return it back to seller

    First about good things:
    – Convenient, easy to adjust and fit to your head
    – Weight is ok
    – Good tracking of head movement
    – Headphones are good quality
    – Simple installation

    Now about bad things:

    – I did not expect much from image quality, but even with low expectations the image is bad for me 🙁 . Very low resolution, I know it’s normal for display far from you, but as close to your eyes you can easily see each pixel and I can even see matrix behind the pixels.

    – With such pixelations even big text looks ugly, small text is not readable at all

    – Lenses require more adjust options, or different types of lenses for different eyes. Image is bloory on the sides of the screen if you adjust center and vise versa, also there is “god rays” effect on text

    – It is not fit properly on your nose, and you can see the light from that hole which distracts you from VR


    I will buy this device again (next gen), when resolution will be increased at LEAST 4 times, and my favorite games will support it without woodoo rituals (which is another big problem)

  3. Shane A.

    I researched the Vive, PS4 VR and Oculus Rift w/ Touch controllers for about a month reading idk how many articles and reviews and found that for one…they all cost the same if you don’t already have the PS4 so no matter you will spend about $800 plus tax on any for the full system. The Oculus Touch controllers had the highest review as did the Oculus headset. It seemed the ONLY reason ppl said the PS4 VR was cheaper was cause a lot of ppl had it already so they didnt factor in the cost of when they had to buy one. The only reason the HTC Vive seemed to get better reviews was due to already having the controllers out w/ their set. SO for me it was a no brainer the Oculus had a better quality, comfortable, nicer looking headset and less cords/easier set-up. The controllers, which are out now, where said to be more fluid, comfortable and less “clunky” that the Vive’s. None of them are wireless, though I did read the Vive is coming out w/ a limited number of an attachment to make their headset wireless but at another $200, which brings there total to $1000 if you get that.

    I love my Oculus headset and now that the touch controllers are out everything on Steam that was only for the Vive is available for the Oculus! I was hoping that would happen and it did! There are still some titles you can only find on the Oculus store though and I haven’t seen prices SO FAR that are cheaper on Steam than on Oculus, so that is good. There are a lot of free things apps, some good cheap ones and then games in the $30-50 range per the norm. There is also a program you can buy called vorpX that will allow you to play older games as well like ESO; they have a list of games and there are youtube videos that show you how to set it up. The home screen is relaxing and easy to navigate and you can customize your avatar. The games are fun and visually appealing. There are even virtual “chat rooms” and gaming you can do w/ other ppl and talk to them through a built in mic.

    I will say the clarity wasn’t HD like I had hoped..maybe I am too spoiled on HDX, blu-ray and 3D quality but once in games you don’t notice it and become immersed in what your doing. It was like going from HDX back to DVDs, but It is still amazing to say the least even the short “movie” experiences you have on the Rift are great. The set up was super easy and took all of like 10 mins tbh.

    Overall I would have to say I am very happy w/ my purchase and that I didnt buy a different VR system. Also, knowing that they are partnered w/ Xbox and Microsoft officially now tells me there is a bright future for the Oculus Rift not just in gaming but in useful apps that can help w/ work or study. FYI they already have VR medical A&P and an art app that you can actually use w/ your 3D printer and other stuff of that nature. OH and before I forget…yes you probably would want a high end PC to run it BUT they has recently done an update that will allow for some lesser spec’d PC to use the Rift.
    For those who will ask if their PC will run it there is a”pc checker” on their website that will let you know.

    FYI I was surprised there is NOT a customer support number if you need it, you have to email or use forums to get in touch w/ them which could be very annoying if you can’t solve an issue you have w/ the store or equipment yourself or through past forums.

    Oh Also I haven’t had any issues getting sick or nauseous from the games I have either.

  4. Shane A.

    Words cant describe the experience of a Rift and V.R. honestly. The level of immersion will blow you away time and time again. With racing games, every new car you sit in is almost like a new mini game with the level of detail and immersion. I dont get motion sick and you wont as long as you keep the frame rate above 80 which i do just fine in all games so far with a 6700k @ stock and a 780ti ghz edition. They also have tweaks and developer tool fixes to help smooth lower fps. Perfect for racing games and flying games, and more titles are adding VR support daily! Ark Survival Evolved has VR now! For non vr games and games with no vr support there is software that will let you play any game in vr just about some better than others of course. I would pay easily $1000 HONESTLY to have this experience. Its that good! Now on to the Rift vs Vive debate and why you want the Rift!

    I spent soo many months doing research comparing this and the Vive. Let me save you some time now and just buy an Oculus Rift. Here is why: The way that V.R. Lenses are built they have an optimal focal point or area that your eye needs to be inside in order for the image to not become blurry. This means you cant really move your eyes around too much and must have it seated on your face correctly. The Oculus Rift has a bigger area of optimal focal point than a Vive. This means less time correcting it on your face after you have pulled it off to find something or to take a break or drink etc. This sounds like no big deal but once you really think of how much you might be taking it off and putting it back on that translates to lost time and frustration.

    The controller on the rift is the best VR controller hands down. You can look at any review. Its soo good that Vive is actually making new controllers, and I feel its to be closer to the Rifts design.

    The rift does a good job of blocking out any light to keep you immersed. It does have a small gap for me in the nose bridge but its not noticeable when gaming and actual is nice because i can look through it to grab my mouse or controller instead of having to take it off and re adjust it again.

    The Rift is lighter. So light that I twitch stream and game for hours. I recently wore the rift for 6 hours straight. The Vive is notably heavier and pulls your head back from the wire placement and fact that the wires are heavier. It has a breathable design that helps cut down on your face getting too warm. It will cause u to get a little warm in the brow overtime due to the powered lenses and pure fact that you have something on your face but nothing worth really even mentioning.

    The built in headphones are actually really good for what they are. They will not beat a 150$ gaming headset but it easily gives headsets in the 50$ range or so a run for their money, and they are built in so no extra wire running from you to the pc!

    Steam and all VR games work including most Vive games if not all to my knowledge. Vr games list is growing by the day. Check out the Oculus store for a few like Super Hot, and search VR on steam to see what is supported. You will be very surprised.

    If you are on the fence about VR or you have heard the quality is not there yet etc, do yourself a favor and buy it now. You will not be disappointed. Its still new enough to where I would say its not for every person out there and the more of a techie you are the more you will get out of it for sure. That said in my 25 plus years gaming this is the highlight and Im just so happy I am here to be a part of this!

    Also I made my own Oculus Rift sensor mount to give me more space on my desk as well as set it further back to increase my play area. The pic is included and the list to all the products I used are included as well. Works great!

    SHOOT Ajustable 28″ inch Jaws Flex Clamp Arm Mount Flexible Gooseneck for GoPro Hero 5/4/3+/2 xiaomi yi sj4000 sj5000 camera Tyoungg® 3 * Tripod Mount Adapters for Sony Action Cam AS100V AS30V Action Camera Mini – Gopro Mount to 1/4″ thread

  5. Cliente de Amazon

    I really love VR, and have a PSVR, Samsung VR and a Vive VR. I purchased the Oculus as I heard it had less of the screen door effect than my Vive. From what little time I actually got to use the Rift, it does seem to look a bit nicer, but not by a lot. However since I an now doing the second restore of my computer and having to reinstall all my software because of problems with it I blame myself for not doing a more in depth review of the more dramatic problems. Besides a sensor loop that would not let me get past the installation, there is the system_thread_exception_not_handled problem that has me wiping my computer.

  6. Cubey Terra

    El oculus rift realmente vale lo que cuesta, sin embargo hay cosas que no se deben ignorar antes de comprar, como es el mareo y la cinetosis (motion sickness) que provoca al usarse, especialmente con los juegos de acción. Yo con 5 min de un simulador de una montaña rusa tuve para marearme (y no me suelo marear tanto en una montaña rusa de verdad). Esto no es algo que Oculus no advierta y no creo que sea una falla del producto o algo que se pueda resolver pronto. Debe de haber personas más propensas que otras.

    Otra cosa mas es la resolución; al ser ligeramente arriba de FullHD y por la proximidad al lente, ves los pixeles muy marcados, los objetos que en el mundo virtual están “lejos” son poco distinguibles. Esta es una desventaja en algunos juegos.

    Lo positivo: CALIDAD. Desde que te dispones a abrir el oculus, la calidad es lo primero que llama la atención, desde la caja hasta los cables, pasando lógicamente por el visor. Los materiales con los que esta hecho son muy buenos.

    Otro aspecto positivo es el sensor de movimiento, es muy preciso, eso te da la sensación de inmersión al no tener lags (sienpre y cuando uses una buena tarjeta gráfica). Ojo no cualquier puerto USB 3.0 será compatible. Algunas tarjetas madres viejas con USB 3.0 no son tan compatibles.

    Sobre los juegos. Tener paciencia que apenas arranca esto de la VR y juegos buenos los hay contados. Yo personalmente compre el oculus para otros fines como el diseño en 3D así que no tengo queja.

    Definitivamente recomiendo el oculus, ahora que bajo de precio es una opción atractiva para quien guste de probar cosas nuevas en el mundo de la tecnología.

    No es recomendable para personas que usen lentes

  7. jmm21

    Amazing. This is a revolution in how we interact with 3D environments.

    * Immersiveness: excellent. No perceptible lag in movement tracking. It feels utterly natural.
    * Audio: good. The sound quality is reasonable for small headphones.
    * Video: good. You can see the individual pixels (because the screens are right up next to your eyes), but it’s still high def.
    * Software: good. The Oculus app for downloading new Rift apps is okay, but only downloads one item at a time.
    * Library: excellent. The Oculus store is filled with games and other apps, some of which are free. You can also get Rift apps using Steam.
    * Weight: lighter than expected. It’s fine wearing it for extended period, though you might want to give your eyes a rest.
    * Packaging: excellent. This elegant, black-on-black box is sturdy and attractive — you’ll want to keep it.
    * Optics: some smearing around the edges, especially looking at bright objects on black background.

    I highly recommend Oculus Rift. Make sure your PC is good enough to run it. It has very specific hardware requirements.

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