
Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System

(7 customer reviews)

Original price was: $255,112.00.Current price is: $306.17.

  • Get 6 free titles, including: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox
  • Riftʼs ultra-low-latency tracking offers unparalleled immersion
  • The Oculus Touch controllers bring your hands into VR, letting you interact naturally with the virtual world
  • NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti/AMD Radeon RX 470 or greater Graphics Card Required and a RAM of 8 GB+ RAM
  • Windows PC and internet connection required – review recommended specs to confirm system compatibility
  • Operating System: Windows 10

Out of stock

Additional information

Release date

August 7, 2017

Product Dimensions

3.94 x 3.94 x 3.94 inches, 2.2 Pounds

Type of item

Video Game



Item model number


Is Discontinued By Manufacturer


Item Weight

2.2 pounds




2 A batteries required. (included)

Date First Available

July 14, 2017

7 reviews for Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System

  1. Ray M.

    Ahora que el Rift por fin esta en el “ballpark of 350 dollars” con los controles touch incluidos como Palmer dijo erase una vez por fin vale la pena invertir en la Realidad Virtual.

    – Controles Touch son increibles. Casi inmediatamente se te olvida que estas usando controles y el uso es muy natural comparado con los controles del Vive.
    – El headset es muy ligero y comodo, la fabricacion es solida y de alta calidad, es muy facil de ajustar y una vez ajustado no necesitas volver a reajustarlo a menos que que otras personas le muevan.
    – El headset incluye audio de sorprendentemente buena calidad y microfono.
    – El software funciona muy bien y es facil de usar
    – Tracking es muy bueno una vez que tienes todo ya instalado, especialmente si utilizas sensores adicionales para VR en cuarto (room scale)
    – Utilizar el rift es un placer una vez que estas en VR ya que se te olvida que lo traes puesto

    – Tracking no es tan versatil como en el Vive, sobre todo para empezar ya que es solo util para jugar en 360 grados sin moverte de tu lugar con lo que incluye este paquete.
    – Si quieres un area de juego mas amplia necesitas sensores adicionales (1 sensor extra, 3 en total para un area de juego de 3x3m y 2 sensores extra, 4 en total para un area de 4x4m) Estos sensores y todos los cables requeridos para conectarlos tienen un costo extra.
    – Los requerimientos USB 3.0 de estos sensores extra tambien pueden causar problemas de conexion dependiendo de tu sistema, y puede requerir una tarjeta USB 3.0 adicional para solucionar, lo cual es otro costo extra (Checar la tarjeta USB 3.0 StarTech PEXUSB3S44V y ver mi reseña para mas informacion al respecto.)
    – La instalacion de todo cablerio para conectar los sensores puede ser un problema, aunque una vez instalado se te olvida porque estas muy ocupado jugando en VR

    – Facebook compro a Oculus, y dependiendo de tu opinion acerca de la compañia esto puede ser un mas o un menos para ti.
    – Siendo primera generacion de VR tiene limitaciones en cuanto a resolucion y area de vision limitada (field of view) que se resolveran en siguientes versiones. Tambien habra mejoras en los controles usados en VR.
    – Estas siguientes versiones al momento de escribir esto (enero 2018) todavia estan por lo menos un par de años de distancia, asi que depende de si te quieres esperar o no. Quiza en el CES 2018 tengamos noticias de que podemos esperar en el futuro inmediato, pero el Pimax 8K es una buena indicacion de que es lo que podemos esperar en la siguiente generacion. Una vez que las tarjetas graficas tengan el suficiente poder computacional para manejar esas resoluciones sin sacrificar otras cosas.

    Para concluir el precio de VR nunca ha sido mas accesible y va a seguir bajando, y aunque sin duda todavia es una inversion en este momento tampoco hay duda alguna de que vale la pena por la experiencia. Una vez que experimentes juegos de accion como Super Hot VR o Robo Recall, o te pasees por el mundo con Google Earth, nunca veras la realidad virtual y el futuro de estas tecnologias de la misma forma.

  2. KeenDreams


    -Comes with free games
    -Excellent packaging
    -The two sensors work well for 360 tracking. Followed a Youtube tutorial on 2 sensor room tracking.
    – Many free and inexpensive VR games on Steam. Works with Steam VR.
    -Many more fun applications than simply gaming.
    -Climby and SuperHot VR are a legitimate workout – I’m actually grabbing velcro resistance weights to make it even more legit.
    – Runs most games at full frames well with only a 1050ti and 6600K (more about this in cons)

    Now onto the headset itself:
    -Amazing build quality
    -Easy set up
    -PPD slider for different eye pupil distances!
    -Extremely immersive, with very little lightbleed.


    You’ll need a better rig. I’m actually building a new PC so it’s not an issue, but The Forest VR will make you nauseous as it’s not going to hit optimum framerate.
    -Screendoor effect – Though it is far less noticeable in some games. Anything that has writing seems to be blurry and low res. With this being said, this is Oculus’ first consumer implementation of VR and I’m excited to see what’s next.
    -Visible condensation on the inside of the mask when playing a session of superhot.

    Final thoughts: I wish that Oculus had a mounting system like in the Windows Mixed Reality and PSVR headsets that simply flip down.

    VR is incredible and has rekindled my joy of technology and gaming!

  3. M O.

    Produit vraiment excellent.
    La sensation d’immersion est parfaite, c’est vraiment très très bien conçu.
    Qualité de son extra, même si en volume maximum de la saturation se fait entendre, ça reste normal.
    La qualité et la bande de rendu sonore sont vraiment excellents.
    L’ergonomie des Touch est vraiment bien pensée. Détection inductive du contact/pression des doigts, mouvement très juste et extrêmement précis, même avec seulement deux capteurs bien placés en 360.
    Côté poids, rien à dire, c’est vraiment pas gênant.
    Il s’adapte intelligemment à toutes les tailles de têtes.
    Un seul petit bémol peut être, je porte des lunettes, et bien qu’elles soient peu volumineuses, ça peut parfois être gênant.
    Problème réglé en mettant les lentilles pour ma part, mais tout le monde ne le peut pas.
    Je pense qu’un travail d’amélioration devrait se faire dans ce sens là.

    Rapport qualité prix vraiment très bien, même si les jeux restent soit chers, soit courts.
    Le milieu est en pleine naissance, le contenu n’est pas aussi abondant que sur plateformes habituelles, mais je ne regrette pas une minute mon achat.
    Si tout le monde en achetait un, les concepteurs de jeux s’engouffreraient dans la vague et alors ce serait l’extase, mais dommage que le matos nécessaire pour faire tourner ça correctement soit si cher.
    D’ailleurs, une deuxième piste d’amélioration serait de pouvoir poser deux casques sur un même pc par exemple.

  4. Projects

    II feel like I’ve been waiting for VR since the early 90’s when 3d accelerated games were taking over. It Just seemed like VR was the next obvious step. Well, it took another 20 years but we are finally there and so far I’m pretty happy with the technology.

    It takes a pretty powerful PC to push the Rift but, but not excessively so considering this is a niche market item at this point. The system pushes a lot of pixels to the small monitors in the unit but still you can easily see that VR in the future will need even more to rival smoothness of a high res desktop display. Presumably this experience is related to the fact that the VR simulated environment is covering almost all of your field of vision as opposed to just a small part of it like a monitor would.

    The price is a little steep relative to most gaming gear but, it’s cutting edge. The price will come down. It’s an early adopter product at this point but i have to say that as far as early adopter gear goes, it’s been surprisingly robust. Pretty reliable software and a pretty polished product. The responsiveness of turning your head and immediately having the environment respond is impressive. I can’t detect any kind of lag. The unit is reasonably light, but does run a little warm. I almost always have the ceiling fan running when using it because I get warm.
    I haven’t experience any discomfort that related to motion in the games which seems to be pretty subjective. But so far I seem impervious.
    I’m an adult gamer so I only have a few hours to play but so far the Oculus (and their exclusive games) have been compelling. Kittypocalypse, Chronos and Project Cars have been my favorites. It’s impressive to see the variety of games on the system and to see that it’s not just first person shooters.


    The only things that I don’t like are that Oculus made their own store. I can understand why they would have wanted to do that, but I hate buying games from a different place than all of my other games (Steam). Steam games do work on Oculus, but launching them is clumsy requiring you to take off the head set.

  5. BDoor

    OH man where to start, This headset so far has totally changed how I look at gaming and PC home entertainment. I have usd both the Vive and now this headset and I will admit that the vives tracking is a bit better at stock but for the most part it is almost the same and the controlers are bar none better on the rift than any other headset you can buy for the next year at least until the knuckles release. The resolution of the screen is fine and I dont see the screen door effect unless the image is a solid color like black loading screens so that is not an issue unless you really try to look for it. For its base price at 399.00 USD I cant find a reason to not grab this over the other options out there. The vive and vive pro are simply way too expensive for what you get as of right now seeing as you can buy a rift with a 3rd sensor and result in the same tracking and room scale as a vive and save 120 ish $ in the processs. The set up was really easy, idk why some people have said its hard. You plug everything into the USBs and the HDMI in and run the oculus set up app and it just kinda does it all for you. The “hardest” part is moving the sensor cameras around a bit till it says hey that is a good spot for good tracking and you move on. Took me anout 15 min from unboxing to logging into VRChat. This, unlike the vive comes with everything at stock and does not try to throw anything at you as addons later down the road such as the head phones being built in and the controlers being stock over the wands. Vive will be selling the pro soon and the kuckles shortly after as seperate items to buy at VERY high costs that simply turn me off to that platform completely. This headset is also far more comfortable and does not plug my nose or cut into my face frrom the pressure like other headsets do. The controlers are so damn nice to use they feel so natural and fit the hand so well. My GF and I have both main systems for VR, Vive for the top end best of the best at the expense of being way too much $, and now the Rift for being comfortable and easy. We both agree that the Rift is better as a user. She actually almost sold her vive for the Rift but I convinced her to just keep it for the new addons coming later. If you are on the fence about this I say pick this headset hands down. Esp of you can get a good deal or rebate on it or use the amazon trade in to save some money it becomes such an amazing value. I traded in my xim4 PS4 Kb/m converter, since i sold my PS4, and it cut 80 bucks off the cost of this headset making it 310$ USD which imo made this hands down the best value headset you can get period.

  6. JLuke

    Ciao a tutti, dopo circa un mese di utilizzo di Oculus Rift mi sento obbligato a dover lasciare una mia recensione e una mia opinione generale sul prodotto. Saltando la parte dell’imballaggio ottimo come al solito, partiamo direttamente dal visore in sé.
    Oculus Rift permette all’utente di entrare in un mondo virtuale e di provare emozioni veramente grandi. Il visore è veramente ben costruito, unica nota particolare sulla costruzione di esso è il posizionamento in testa. È molto leggero ed ergonomico (quasi non si sente), ma per vedere al meglio e senza sfocature bisogna fare un buon settaggio delle regolazioni. Mi riferisco a tutti quelli che si sono lamentati dicendo di vedere sfocato eccetera, è tutta una questione di regolazione del visore. Assicuratevi di allargare tutti gli strappi prima di indossarlo, solo dopo averlo fatto indossatelo e muovetelo su e giù, destra e sinistra davanti agli occhi finché non avrete la migliore visione possibile, chiudere poi gli strappi. Tracking perfetto, performance molto buone anche su PC discreti (1050ti). Consigliato per vrchat.
    Reputo questo visore attualmente il migliore avendo anche provato htc vive e Windows mixed reality. giá solo per il fatto che Oculus ti permette di muovere le dita per dare comandi (e il suo prezzo onestissimo) fa capire chi comanderà il mercato VR nei prossimi anni.

  7. Cliente Amazon

    Son básicamente increíbles, la manera en que te sumerge en los mundos virtuales es inmejorable, el sonido básicamente es perfecto. Al principio creía que no daría buena calidad de sonido, pero me equivoque. Los Touch están ergonómicamente pensados para cualquier mano, y los botones están bien distribuidos. La única pega que se le puede poner sin dos cosas, la resolución, y la interfaz que tiene el visor, que es de esponja, pero eso recurriendo a las vrcover se soluciona. Y la resolución, es que, al utilizarlo en juegos preparados para monitor, hay letras que sin difíciles de leer. Y en otros casos, es óptima. En fin, un producto con un buen acabado, para disfrutar entre toda la familia

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